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Land Acknowledgment - Aki Gaabijidebendaagwak
We would like to acknowledge the Robinson-Huron Treaty of 1850. We also further recognize that Laurentian University is located on the traditional lands of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and that the City of Greater Sudbury, also includes the traditional lands of the Wahnapitae First Nation. We extend our deepest respect to Indigenous peoples - as a sign of our continued relationship we will support Laurentian University’s Truth and Reconciliation Task Force Recommendations. Miigwech. Listen in Anishinaabemowin
News and highlights
The Laurentian University Library and Archives invite your feedback on our redesigned website. Please fill out our website feedback form to share your comments or suggestions.
The Library & Archives now offers S&P Capital IQ to the Laurentian community. Capital IQ is an electronic resource for finance industry professionals that provides access to a wealth of financial data, including industry profiles, standardized reports, company comparisons, historical prices, and brokers' estimates for the future.
Dr. Reeshma Haji, a faculty member in Laurentian University's Psychology program, has earned international recognition for her culinary expertise. Her cookbook, All the Russ without the Fuss: Khoja Fusion Recipes for Busy Lives, has been shortlisted for the prestigious Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, an international competition honouring the finest food and wine cookbooks from the past year.