It is possible to focus your search to find more pertinent material.
After an initial search, there will be the option to Modify your results.

You can focus your research in a number of useful ways but limiting your search to find, for example, peer-reviewed articles, only electronic material or items published in the last few years. Below are examples of ways of focusing your search.
Availability: Available online | Electronic material only (excludes print / physical material) |
Availability: Peer-reviewed Journals | Articles that have been reviewed by experts in the field |
Availability: Open Access | Content freely available online and not requiring a subscription from the library |
Availability: Laurentian Library Print & Physical Items | Physical material available at Laurentian libraries |
Resource Type | Type of resource such as book, article, conference proceeding, government document, videos, and more |
Publication Date | Use to limit to specific date range |
Laurentian Library | The campus library where physical items are located |
Laurentian Location | The shelving location of the physical item |
Other Omni Libraries | Material available at other partner libraries |
Journal Title | Journals that the articles are available in |
Language | Language of the material |
Recently Added | Material added to the library in the last three months, month or week |
Data Source | Material in LUZoneUL |
Author/Creator | Authors, editors or creators of the material |
Subject | Subject areas of the material |