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Anglican Diocese of Moosonee access policy

For preservation purposes the parish registers are not accessible to researchers. We do the research for you.

1. Statement of conditions for access to parish registers:

Dates and conditions for which there are no restriction of access:

1.1 Requests to view parish registers for an individual’s own records will be granted upon due identification.

1.1.2 Baptism records: If you are the person named on the record and are at least 13 years old.
1.1.3 Marriage records: If you are the bride or groom named on the record.
1.1.4 Burial records : If you are the deceased’s closest next-of-kin, executor, or estate trustee.

1.2 Access will be granted under no specific conditions if:

1.2.1 Baptismal records: 100 years or older
1.2.2 Marriage records: 85 years or older
1.2.3 Burial records: 75 years or older

1.3 Dates and conditions of access for third party

Requests to view parish registers for third party records that are less than the time frames stated in 1.2, may be granted upon due identification under the following conditions. Certified copy of the records may be obtained upon due identification under the following conditions:

1.3.1 Baptism records: If you are a parent of the child named on the certificate and your name is on the baptism record, or the closest next-of-kin, executor, "or estate trustee," and the person named on the record is deceased. (You must provide proof of death, e.g. a death certificate or funeral director’s statement.), or any person authorized in writing by the person named on the record.
1.3.2 Marriage records: If you are a child (natural or adoptive) of the bride and groom, or a parent of the bride or groom, or the closest next-of-kin, executor, "or estate trustee," and either the bride or groom is deceased. (You must provide proof of death, e.g. a death certificate or funeral director’s statement.) any person authorized in writing by one of the persons named on the record.
1.3.3 Burial records: If you are the deceased’s closest next-of-kin, executor, "or estate trustee." Please note that anyone may obtain a non-certified copy of a burial record.

Note: If you are requesting access to records from parishes under the jurisdiction of the Province of Quebec, Baptismal records, marriages certificates and burial certificates, have no legal value. You have to obtain your record from the Directeur de l’État civil.