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Electronic resources


"ABI/INFORM Global™ is one of the most comprehensive business databases on the market, offering the latest business and financial information for researchers at all levels. It includes in-depth coverage from thousands of publications, most of them in full-text. With ABI/INFORM Global, users can find out about business conditions, management techniques, business trends, management practice and theory, corporate strategy and tactics, and competitive landscape.

ABI/Inform Trade & Industry

With thousands of titles, most of them in full text, ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry™ provides business professionals with critical information about companies, products, and executives as well as in-depth news and analysis of industry trends and developments. With ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, users can study and compare specific industries such as food & drink, pharmacy, telecommunications, computing, transportation, construction, and petrochemicals.

Abstracts in Anthropology

Contains summaries of articles in Abstracts in Anthropology since 2008, about Anthropology, related fields, Archaeology and Linguistics.

Academic OneFile

More than 14,000 titles, including more than 9,000 peer-reviewed journals and more than 6,000 in full text. Extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects since 1980.

ACLS Humanities Ebooks

The American Council of Learned Societies Humanities Ebook Collection is a collection of over 6,000 scholarly books, from over 125 publishers.

ACS Web Editions

Provides access to the American Chemical Society (ACS) online journals.


AgeLine focuses exclusively on the population aged 50+ and issues of aging. AgeLine is the premier source for the literature of social gerontology and includes aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy. AgeLine indexes over 200 journals, books, book chapters, and reports. Publication coverage is from 1978 to the present, with selected coverage from 1966-1977


AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) serves as the catalog and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library, as well as a primary public source for world-wide access to agricultural information. The database covers materials in all formats and periods, including printed works from as far back as the 15th century.

Alcohol Studies Database

Contains over 80,000 citations for journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and audio-visual materials.

America: History and Life

Covers literature on the history and culture of the U.S. and Canada from prehistory to the present. The index includes 1,700 journals from as far back as 1910. Access is limited to 6 concurrent users.

Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature

The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature contains 880,000 records, covering monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews and collections of essays published anywhere in the world from 1920 onwards.

Annual Reviews

This publication offers comprehensive sets of critical reviews by leading scientists in 40 targeted disciplines covering biomedical research, life sciences, physical sciences and social sciences, including economics.

Art & Architecture Source

This database covers a broad range of related subjects from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. This database features full-text articles—as well as detailed indexing and abstracts—for an array of journals, books and more. International in scope, Art & Architecture Source includes periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch and is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers.

ARTFL (American Research on the Treasury of the French Language) Project

ARTFL Project is a consortium-based service that provides its members with access to North America's largest collection of digitized French resources. Along with ARTFL's flagship database ARTFL-FRANTEXT, ARTFL members are also given access to a large variety of other Subscriber Databases. ARTFL also supports many Public Access databases including the Dictionnaires d'autrefois, the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert, and the Bibliothèque Bleue de Troyes.

Arts & Humanities Citation Index

Fully indexes over 1,700 arts and humanities journals, as well as selected items over 250 scientific and social sciences journals — from 1975 to present. Covering subjects that include archaeology, art, architecture, asian studies, classics, dance, folklore, history, language, linguistics, literary reviews, literature, music, philosophy, poetry, radio, television, & film, religion and theatre.

ASTIS Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) database

The ASTIS database contains 16,200 records describing research projects conducted in Canada's three northern territories since 1974. Coverage of publications include reports from government agencies, industry, First Nations, and universities as well as journal articles, conference papers, theses and books. ASTIS is maintained by the Arctic Institute of North America at the University of Calgary, and is part of the Canadian Polar Information Network.

ASTM Standards

The ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Digital Library provides you instant access to the digital edition of nearly every ASTM International book and paper spanning 140+ industries and 100+ years.

Athabasca University Press

The Press' geographical focus is on Canada, the North American West, and the Circumpolar North. One of its mandates is to publish innovative and experimental works (in both fiction and non-fiction) that challenge established canons, subjects, and formats. We promote neglected forms such as diary, memoir, and oral history.

Atlas of Canada

Atlas of Canada offers a rich treasury of geographic information for all Canadians. You'll find hundreds of online maps about Canada's environment, society, economy and history.

Audio Cine Films

Roughly 1,000 popular films available for streaming in English and French. The public performance license allows indoor non-profit movie presentations for students, staff, and faculty of Laurentian University.

Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals is published by the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University. It offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, including bibliographic descriptions on subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and interior design and decoration.

BDSP (Banque de données en santé publique)

Public health database with information in French and English. This site is the archive of the BDSP database, produced from 1993 to 2019, by the Public Health Information Documentary Network and managed by the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP).

bepress Legal Repository

The bepress Legal Repository is a network of law-related research materials. Law schools, research units, institutes, centers, think tanks, conferences, and other subject-appropriate groups post materials to specific publications (e.g., the USC Working Paper Series). This high-quality content may be downloaded freely by interested readers.

Bibliography of Canadian Geomorphology

Bibliography of Canadian Geomorphology is a searchable database dedicated to identifying publications and presentations describing the practice and application of geomorphology in Canada. Included are over 25,000 records related to the fields of aeolian, applied, coastal, fluvial, glacial, hillslope, karst, periglacial, permafrost and offshore geomorphology. The database also includes records describing Canadian Quaternary/Holocene environments and a substantial body of records related to Canadian hydrology.

Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America

A bibliographic database covering all aspects of Indigenous peoples in North American culture, history, and life. This resource covers a wide range of topics including archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy. BIPNA contains more than 141,000 citations for books, essays, journal articles, and government documents of the United States and Canada. Dates of coverage for included content range from the sixteenth century to the present.

Bioline International

Bioline International is a not-for-profit scholarly publishing cooperative committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. BI's goal of reducing the South to North knowledge gap is crucial to a global understanding of health (tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, emerging new diseases), biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development. (from publisher's website)

Book Review Digest Retrospective: 1903-1982 (H.W. Wilson)

Reflecting nearly eight decades of H.W. Wilson’s Book Review Digest, this Retrospective database provides excerpts from and citations to reviews of adult and juvenile fiction and non-fiction. Virtually every major idea that shaped the 20th century found expression in books. The reactions to those ideas are reflected in the reviews of those books, and this database makes it easy to search this vast record of information.


Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, is a bilingual, multidisciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Borealis supports open discovery, management, sharing, and preservation of Canadian research data.


Brain-CODE hosts a vast array of data, including neuroimaging, genomics, clinical assessments, and more, supporting a wide range of research projects.


European French-language database with over 500 full-text journals and 20,000 books, primarily in the humanities and social sciences.

Canadiana Online

Early Canadiana Online (ECO) is the first large-scale online collection of early Canadian print heritage. It currently offers twelve online collections totalling several hundred thousand digitized titles, including books, magazines and government documents.

Canadian Book Review Annual

CBRAonline provides users with access to more than 30,000 authoritative reviews of Canadian books with over 50 new reviews added each month.

Canadian Business & Current Affairs™ (CBCA) Complete

More than 4.5 million records from 1,730 titles covering current events, business, education, science, the arts, and academic information as produced in Canada. The database also includes a few Canadian legal journals that are in neither Hein Online nor Lexis-Nexis, also full-text.

Canadian Census Analyser (CHASS)

The CHASS Census Analyzer offers profile files at enumeration areas, census tracts, census divisions, census subdivisions, federal electoral districts or provincials levels, some data going back to 1961. Ideal for subsetting variables for multiple geographical units.

Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)

The central objective of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) is to gather health-related data at the sub-provincial levels of geography (health region or combined health regions). CCHS microdata files are available through odesi.

Canadian Feature Film Database

The database compiles the principal credits of every Canadian feature film from 1913 to 2006, establishes a list of Canadian feature films from published information up to 2006 and features over 4,300 films.

Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides essential information on Canada’s health system and the health of Canadians. Access to Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) microdata files is available through the Data Liberation Initiative (DLI). Email for details.

Canadian Labour Studies Index

Open-access index of recent publications in Canadian labour studies including books, book chapters, journal articles, reviews, commissioned reports, and theses. Indexes comprehensively the journals Labour/Le Travail, Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations and Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society. The Index is produced by Desmond Maley and Dan Scott, J.-N. Desmarais Library, Laurentian University.

Canadian Music Periodical Index

The CMPI database includes over 37 000 entries on articles dating from the late-19th century to the present day. 630 Canadian music journals, newsletters and magazines are represented here, almost 200 of which are currently active and continue to be indexed. The CMPI database focusses on articles and news items touching various aspects of musical activity in Canada. In addition, since 1999, significant articles on international music and musicians, published in Canadian periodicals, have been added to the index.

Canadian Periodicals Index Quarterly (CPI.Q)

The CPI provides access to articles from a comprehensive list of Canadian and international journals, magazines, selected sections of the Globe and Mail, Canadian biographies and other reference content from Gale™, all with a Canadian focus. Indexing from 1980 to present; Full-text articles from 1983 to present.


Published open-access by the Canadian Legal Information Institute. Provides access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions. Includes arbitration awards.


Provides alternative access to Data from Statistics Canada (formerly CANSIM). Updated daily.

CANSIM Multidimensional

CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) is the Statistics Canada's computerized database of time series covering a wide variety of social and economic aspects of Canadian life.

Capital IQ

"Global standardized financial statement data for over 180,000 companies, including over 95,000 active and inactive public companies, and As Reported data for over 150,000 companies. S&P Capital IQ Standardized Financials allows you to extend the scope of your historical analysis and back-testing models with consistent data from all filings of a company's historical financial periods including press releases, original filings, and all restatements." (from publisher)

Career Cruising

Interactive career guide featuring multimedia interviews with real people in every career, in-depth occupational profiles and information on colleges and universities.

Census returns (1825-1921)

Census returns are official Government of Canada records that enumerate the country’s population. [T]hey often include the age, occupation, ethnic origin, religious denomination and the place of birth for the persons listed. For each census, the records are arranged by province or territory, and then are divided into districts which usually correspond to counties and cities. Districts are typically divided into sub-districts, corresponding to townships, parishes and larger towns. (Library and Archives Canada)

China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 1793 - 1980

This digital collection answers a need for English-language primary sources relating to China and the West, 1793-1980. With manuscripts encompassing events from the earliest English embassy to the birth and early years of the People’s Republic, students are given an incredible insight into the changes wrought upon China during this period. Key documents relating to the Chinese Maritime Customs service – from Robert Hart to Frederick Maze – are accessible and searchable alongside original reports of the Amherst and Macartney embassies.


CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) provides indexing for more than 2,980 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 2,000,000 records dating back to 1981.

Civil Engineering Database

Free bibliographic database offering over 200,000 records of all publications by American Society of Civil Engineers. It is updated at the end of each month. The update includes the journal content for the following month and all other content published in the previous month.

Classical Scores Library

Classical Scores Library contains 400,000 pages of classical music scores, manuscripts, and previously unpublished material, allowing for the study and analysis of more than 8,000 musical scores. Users can access multiple types of scores across various composers, genres, and time periods. It contains full scores, study scores, piano and vocal scores, as well as piano reductions. Alexander Street Press has rekeyed all opera, vocal, and choral texts to allow for deep searching and textual analysis.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005-

The reviews are presented in two types: Cochrane Methodology Reviews are full-text systematic reviews of methodological studies. The reviews are both highly structured and systematic. Evidence from methodological research is included or excluded on the basis of explicit quality criteria, thus minimizing bias. Each review covers a specific and well-defined area of methodology. Data from studies are often combined statistically to increase the power of the findings of numerous studies, which on their own may be too small to produce reliable results.

Cochrane Summaries

A free-to-access resource that aims to summarize Cochrane Reviews, giving you key messages from the review of the science.

Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

This is a collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science. The bibliographies are updated weekly from their original locations such that you'll always find the most recent versions here. The collection currently contains more than 3 million references (mostly to journal articles, conference papers and technical reports), clustered in about 1500 bibliographies, and consists of more than 2.3 GBytes (530MB gzipped) of BibTeX entries.


Compendex is an engineering literature database with over 17 million records from 73 countries across 190 engineering disciplines.

Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms

Searchable version of the Concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms provides access to over 1,000 literary terms and a pronunciation guide for over 200 troublesome phrases and terms.

Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology

Reference tool for students, psychologists, researchers and academics, containing up-to-date and extensive coverage of the field of psychology. Coverage includes biological psychology and neuroscience, DSM diagnoses and psychopathological conditions, psychological and psychopharmacological treatment methods, psychological tests, scales, and assessment methods, developmental processes, research methods and statistical procedures, psychological societies and organizations, psychology from around the world and biographical entries on over 600 influential psychologists.


Criterion-on-Demand represents a large number of feature film producers, including, but not limited to: Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., 20th Century Studios, Searchlight Pictures, Elevation Pictures, Sony Pictures Classics, Alliance Films, Miramax Films, Lionsgate Films, Mongrel Media, Indican Pictures, as well as a number of independent producers. The title selection includes new releases, classics, foreign films, literary adaptations, documentaries, animated titles, and independent features.

Curio is CBC and Radio-Canada’s [...] streaming service developed expressly for the Canadian educational community [...] Our collection features thousands of programs and hundreds of teacher resource guides carefully curated to support provincial K-12 curricula and post-secondary courses across the country. gives teachers and students 24/7 access to a wealth of primary-source content in English and French. It’s a great tool to help students develop critical-thinking skills. (from publisher's description)

DART-Europe E-Theses Portal

The DART-Europe E-theses Portal is a searchable database of electronic research theses held in European repositories. The theses listed are open access - publicly available, in full, without charge. - publisher's info.

Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)

Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) is the part of Ovid's Evidence Based Medicine Reviews collection, and is produced by the expert and information staff of the National Health Services' Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (NHS CRD) at the University of York, England.DARE is a full text database containing critical assessments of systematic reviews from a variety of medical journals. DARE contains structured abstracts of systematic reviews from around the world. Its records cover topics such as diagnosis, prevention, rehabilitation, screening, and treatment.

Data Liberation Initiative (DLI)

The Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) is a partnership between post-secondary institutions and Statistics Canada with the goal of improving access to data resources. This user-centric program builds statistical capacity and leadership through microdata access training and support for an ever-expanding research data collection.

Defining Gender, 1450 - 1910

this new online project brings together approximately 60,000 images of original manuscript and printed material, including a strong core of documents from the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Ephemeral material such as ballads, cartoons and pamphlets is featured alongside diaries, advice literature, medical journals, conduct books and periodicals.

Dictionary of Old English

The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) Online defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (C.E. 600-1150) of the English language, using twenty-first century technology. The DOE complements the Middle English Dictionary (which covers the period C.E. 1100-1500) and the Oxford English Dictionary, the three together providing a full description of the vocabulary of English.

Directory of Open Access Journals

Database of open access journals covering all scientific and scholarly subjects. Primarily used to identify open access journal titles and forty percent of them are searchable at the article level. Journals can be browsed by title or by broad subject area. Articles are searchable by article author or title, ISSN, journal title, abstract, or key words. Full-text is not searchable but is fully accessible. To be included in the DOAJ, journals must use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access and must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control.

Early Canadian Periodicals to 1920 (via Early Canadiana Online)

These early periodicals are an invaluable source of information for researchers as they offer a remarkable record of the development of thought and opinion on diverse issues as Canada grew. Many of Canada's initial prominent poets, novelists, scientists and great minds were first known through their works published in periodicals.

EBSCOhost Platform Databases

Multidisciplinary platform containing many databases in different disciplines, such as the humanities, social sciences, education, arts and natural sciences.


Indexes full-text articles in all fields of economics including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, and urban economics. Produced by the American Economics Association since 1969.

Eighteenth Century Journals

Bringing together rare journals printed between c.1685 and 1835, this resource illuminates all aspects of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life. Topics covered are wide-ranging and include colonial life, provincial and rural affairs, the French and American revolutions, reviews of literature and fashion throughout Europe, political debates, and London coffee house gossip and discussion.

Empire Online

A collection of over 70,000 images of original manuscripts and printed material, 1492-1969, taken from libraries and archives around the world, including Africa, the Americas, Australasia, Oceania, and South Asia. The collection is currently divided into five thematic sections: I. Cultural Contacts, 1492-1969 II. Empire Writing and the Literature of Empire III. The Visible Empire IV. Religion and Empire V. Race, Class, imperialism and Colonialism

Encyclopaedia Universalis

With more than 30 000 articles and 17 000 media resources linked to one another, Encyclopaedia Universalis online covers a full range of fields of knowledge and is the largest general online encyclopedia in French.

English Short Title Catalogue

The ESTC is designed to include a bibliographic record, with holdings, of every surviving copy of letterpress produced in Great Britain or any of its colonies, in any language, worldwide, from 1473-1800. In order to increase access to these items, it includes references to microfilm, digital, and other facsimile versions. All of its records are fully searchable online. The ESTC is the joint effort of the British Library, the American Antiquarian Society, the ESTC/NA, and our many contributing libraries throughout the world.


ERIC provides education research literature (in the context of the North American educational system) to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. ERIC includes journal articles, conference proceedings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, and books. Coverage starts in 1966.

ERIC (ProQuest)

ERIC provides education research literature (in the context of the North American educational system) to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. ERIC includes journal articles, conference proceedings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, and books. Coverage starts in 1966.


Canadian database with over 150 full-text journals in the humanities and social sciences. Also includes theses and research reports from Quebec university institutions.


The gateway to energy technology discoveries, ETDEWEB includes information on energy R&D; energy policy and planning; basic sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry and biomedical) and materials research; the environmental impact of energy production and use, including climate change; energy conservation; nuclear (e.g., reactors, isotopes, waste management); coal and fossil fuels; renewable energy technologies (e.g., solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydro.

EThOS — British Library e-theses online service

EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK’s doctoral research theses. There are approximately 380,000 records relating to theses awarded by over 120 institutions. Around 120,000 of these also provide access to the full text thesis, either via download from the EThOS database or via links to the institution’s own repository.

Canadian French-language database containing more than 14000 reliable and pertinent reports and news sources covering international, national, regional and local news.

European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750

Contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples.

Evidence Based Medicine Reviews Multifile

Provides systematic reviews of topics; article reviews; and access to definitive controlled trials in the area of evidence based medicine. Incudes 1. EBM Reviews - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005--; 2. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - ACP Journal Club 1991- , 3. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 4. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 4. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - Cochrane Methodology Register 5. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - Health Technology Assessment 6.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Library

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Library's online catalogue and is the main access point to over 600,000 books, journals, and government documents. It is a comprehensive resource of DFO publications with links to over 30,000 DFO items in digital format. Many publications and resources are available in full text at the click of a mouse.

Francis and Pascal

Free access multilingual social sciences and humanities databases. English and French searching options available.

French 17

French 17 seeks to provide an annual survey of the work done each year in the general area of seventeenth-century French studies. It is as descriptive and complete as possible and includes summaries of articles, books, and book reviews. An item may be included in several numbers should a review of that item appear in subsequent years. French 17 lists not only works dealing with literary history and criticism, but also those which treat bibliography, linguistics and language, politics, society, philosophy, science, religion and the arts.

Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement & Colonial Encounters

This digital collection of primary source documents helps us to understand existence on the edges of the anglophone world from 1650-1920. Discover the various European and colonial frontier regions of North America, Africa and Australasia through documents that reveal the lives of settlers and indigenous peoples in these areas. - from publisher

Gale Literature Resource Center

Find up-to-date biographies, overviews, full-text criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews on writers from all eras. -- publisher's description


Electronic library of the Bibliothèque nationale de France.


Access open, shared, trusted geospatial and Earth observation data, services, and applications.

Geology Ontario

GeologyOntario provides access to all Ontario Geological Survey maps, reports and digital datasets.


The American Geological Institute's GeoRef database provides a comprehensive history of geology and its subfields, with more than 2.9 million records. Years covered: 1693 - present.


the bibliographic database for scientific publications of the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) of Natural Resources Canada. It over 60,000 records for ESS publications, including publications of the Geological Survey of Canada and the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Canada Topographic Maps and external publications authored by ESS scientists and specialists.


GeoScienceWorld (GSW) is a nonprofit collaborative and comprehensive Internet resource for research and communications in the earth sciences, which is built on a core database of peer-reviewed journals and is integrated with the GeoRef abstract and index service. The organization gives global researchers a single point of access to 45 full-text scholarly journals plus specialized searching capabilities and links to millions of relevant resources hosted elsewhere on the Web.

Globe & Mail (Historical)

Canada's national newspaper. Articles and full page reproductions of the complete newspaper from 1844 onwards, with the exception of the last three years.

Current text content is available through CPI.Q.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature... across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.


GreenFILE is a multidisciplinary database which relates the environment to a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. Includes more than 538,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 5,800 records. Years covered: 1969 - present.

Grzimek's Animal Life

Pronounced "Chim-meks," this online version of the classic print encyclopedia provides comprehensive information on thousands of species, including information on evolution and taxonomy, physical characteristics, distribution, habitat, behavior, feeding ecology and diet, reproductive biology, conservation status, and significance to humans


HathiTrust is a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. -- from HathiTrust web site


Contains more than 1,400 law and law-related periodicals including most Canadian legal journals. Coverage is from the first issue published for all periodicals and goes through the most-currently published issues allowed based on contracts with publishers. This is to be preferred to Lexis-Nexis since the articles appear as they do in the print journal.


The Héritage project is a 10-year initiative to digitize and make accessible online some of Canada’s most popular archival collections encompassing roughly 40 million pages of primary-source documents. Chronicling the country and its people from the 1600s to the mid-1900s, this collection represents a vast and unique resource for Canadian historians, students, and genealogists.

Historical Abstracts

Historical Abstracts covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more. This authoritative database provides indexing of more than 2,300 academic historical journals in over 40 languages back to 1955. Access is limited to 6 concurrent users.

Historical Atlas of Canada

Originally published in three volumes. This website makes many of the maps and much of the research data created for the Atlas available online.

Homeless Hub

A leading source of research on homelessness in Canada, with a library of more than 30,000 resources.

Hubert Wenger Bibliography of First Contacts and Observations Of Inuit/Eskimo People

A collection of historical images, maps and written sources concerning Inuit/Eskimo peoples. Covers 19th and 20th century, but is not meant as a source of current information. The emphasis is on items written by explorers, missionaries, ethnographers, and others who were among the first non-natives to travel among these peoples. Out of print and hard to find materials were given priority.

Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984

Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective™: 1907-1984 offers a broad range of subject coverage in the humanities and social sciences with high-quality indexing of more than 1,300,000 articles in nearly 1,100 periodicals, dating as far back as 1907, as well as citations of over 240,000 book reviews.

IMF eLibrary Data

The IMF publishes a range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators. Manuals, guides, and other material on statistical practices at the IMF, in member countries, and of the statistical community at large are also available.

IMSLP Petrucci Music Library

IMSLP stands for the International Music Score Library Project and was started in 2006. ( "The ultimate goal of the IMSLP is to gather all public domain music scores, in addition to the music scores of all contemporary composers (or their estates) who wish to release them to the public free of charge.

Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981

Index of Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981 is a retrospective database that indexes over 750 legal periodicals published in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Content is also drawn from 38 printed compendia, which provides access to approximately 540,000 records. Coverage also includes: annual surveys of laws by jurisdiction; annual surveys of federal court cases; yearbooks and annual institutes.

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

Produced in partnership with the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Métis Nation, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and Indspire, this open access four-volume set shares the stories, perspectives, voices and history of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. The Atlas includes historic and contemporary maps and explores themes of language, demographics, economy and culture. Important topics such as treaties and residential schools are covered in-depth, as well as the contributions of Indigenous Peoples, their oral traditions and land-based knowledge.

Intelex Past Masters: Full-Text Humanities

Description: Encompasses the largest collection of primary source full-text electronic editions in philosophy in the world. Includes significant collections in the history of political thought and theory, religious studies, education, German studies, sociology, the history and philosophy of science, economics, and classics. Features definitive editions of the full corpora of the seminal figures in the history of the human sciences, including published and unpublished works, articles, essays, reviews, and correspondence.

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

Covers scholarship and fields that have emerged and matured since the publication of the original international edition (1968). Emphasizes the expanding influence of economics in social science research. Includes new articles and biographies contributed by scholars from around the world.

Internet Broadway Database

Official archival database for Broadway theater information. Features information on current and past productions (from the 1700's to the present) in the Broadway theaters of New York City, including production statistics, dates, cast, crew and creative staff credits, roles, and related facts.


From the University of Saskatchewan, the Indigenous Studies Portal (iPortal) connects researchers with electronic resources: books, articles, theses, documents, photographs, archival resources, maps, etc. The vision of iPortal is to provide one place to look to find resources for Indigenous Studies.


ISIDORE is a platform of search allowing the access to digital data of Humanities and Social Sciences. Open to all and especially to teachers, researchers, PhD students, and students, it relies on the principles of Web of data and provides access to data in free access (open access).

Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Covers secondary sources pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). Citations for books and journal material (articles, reviews, review articles, bibliographies, catalogues, abstracts and discographies) are included, as are citations for dissertation abstracts and essays in books (including entries in conference proceedings, festschriften, encyclopedias and exhibition catalogues).


"JBI SUMARI facilitates the entire systematic review process from protocol to report, and includes team and contributor management for effective and efficient collaboration." (

Register for a JBI user account using the Register New User link to access JBI SUMARI.

Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database

This comprehensive database covers a wide range of medical, nursing, and health science specialties and includes a unique suite of information that’s been analyzed, appraised, and prepared by expert reviewers at JBI so you and your team can integrate the world’s best evidence into your practice.


JSTOR includes the archives of over one thousand leading academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials valuable for academic work. The entire corpus is full-text searchable, offers search term highlighting, includes high-quality images, and is interlinked by millions of citations and references. Note: Normally the journals in JSTOR are five years from current; further, all JSTOR journals are available through the "Get it @ Laurentian" link from other databases.

LactMed (Drugs and Lactation Database)

A peer-reviewed and fully referenced database of drugs to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. Among the data included are maternal and infant levels of drugs, possible effects on breastfed infants and on lactation, and alternate drugs to consider.

Le Grand Robert

Le Grand Robert is the most complete online dictionary of the French language, with 100,000 headwords, 350,000 senses, etymology, quotations, authors and more. It is designed for professionals who need to use French precisely and accurately in all contexts and situations. - publisher's description


"The Lens [...] seeks to source, merge and link diverse open knowledge sets, including scholarly works and patents, to inform discovery, analysis, decision making and partnering on a human-centered user experience built on an open web platform" (

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISA)

Indexes the fields of librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, among others. It covers about 560 core journals, 50 priority journals, and 125 selective journals; in addition to books, research reports and conference proceedings. Since the mid-1960s.

Literature Online (LION)

Literature Online is the premier online resource for literary research today. Primary texts, criticism, and reference works are made available in a tailored research environment to provide a one-stop resource for the study and teaching of English literature. --Publisher's description

Littérature Scientifique en Santé (LiSSa)

Search engine referencing French-language journals and scientific articles in the field of health.

The full LiSSa archive references 1,413,529 scientific articles from over 1,000 journals.


Institutional repository that distributes and preserves the scholarly work of LU faculty. It is a space for faculty to support the dissemination of knowledge created at Laurentian.

Maclean's Magazine Archive

Maclean’s Magazine Archive, 1905-2015, the leading Canadian news and general interest magazine, provides a unique perspective on both national and international affairs. Topics include investigative reporting, opinion and analysis on politics, economy and business, science and technology, society, arts and culture, education and work. It was initially known as The Business Magazine, then The Busy Man’s Magazine, and changed to the current title, Maclean’s, in 1911. --Publisher's description® is a search engine and directory for finding online magazine articles. It also provides feeds for use on other websites

Mass Observation Online

Mass Observation Online makes available original manuscript and typescript papers created and collected by the Mass Observation organisation, as well as printed publications, photographs and interactive features. It offers access to one of the most important archives for the study of social history in the modern era. The material covers the end of the ‘Hungry Thirties’ when the impact of the Depression was still being felt, the onset of war, the Blitz and war on the home front and the post-war world, with the rise of consumerism and television.

Medieval Travel Writing

This collection presents manuscripts of some of the most important works of European travel writing from the later medieval period. The chief focus is on journeys to central Asia and the Far East, including accounts of travel to Mongolia, Persia, India, China and South-East Asia. The collection also includes a number of important accounts of travels to or through the Holy Land. It features a number of medieval maps, individual manuscript illuminations, and some modern translations of key travel texts.


The latest bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,200 biomedicine and life sciences journals in nearly 40 languages. Every citation is indexed using the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) controlled vocabulary. MEDLINE is the largest subset of citations in the PubMed database. Searching MEDLINE via Ovid offers better support for complex literature reviews with the adjacency (ADJn) operator to find terms within "n" words of each other.

Merck Manuals - Consumer Edition

The Manuals are the product of a collaboration between hundreds of medical experts worldwide, an independent editorial board of peer reviewers, and our editorial staff of physicians and professional medical writers. For over 100 years, we have had complete editorial independence to present the best current thinking regarding medical diagnosis and treatment, and do not in any way promote or publicize Merck or MSD products.

Merck Manuals - Professional Edition

The Manuals are the product of a collaboration between hundreds of medical experts worldwide, an independent editorial board of peer reviewers, and our editorial staff of physicians and professional medical writers. For over 100 years, we have had complete editorial independence to present the best current thinking regarding medical diagnosis and treatment, and do not in any way promote or publicize Merck or MSD products.

Merck Veterinary Manual

The MVM covers all the basics, but it is also often relied on for areas not commonly encountered in the daily routine of most animal health professionals. This is no more evident than in the growing role of veterinarians in today's environment, in which general practitioners and specialists alike must practice awareness and vigilance in recognizing the impact of the international movement of animals, maintaining a safe food supply, and minimizing the spread of infectious animal disease and the threat of zoonoses.

MINABS: Mineralogical Abstracts (1982-2008)

A research tool for researchers working in the fields of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, environmental mineralogy, and related topics. The database – which contains more than 135,000 abstracts of papers published between 1982 and 2008 – originated from the paper journal Mineralogical Abstracts, a publication of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland.

MLA International Bibliography

Covers literature from all over the world--Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. Folklore is represented by folk literature, music, art, rituals, and belief systems. Linguistics and language materials range from history and theory of linguistics, comparative linguistics, semantics, stylistics, and syntax to translation. Other topics include literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts (film, radio, television, theater), and history of printing and publishing. Since 1926.

Multidictionnaire de la langue francaise

The standard dictionary for the French language in Québec. 10 tools in 1 - spelling, grammar, difficulties, conjugation, syntax, anglicisms, typography, quebecisms, abbreviations, correspondence

NASA Astrophysics Data System

The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is a Digital Library portal for researchers in Astronomy and Physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. The ADS maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 9.8 million records: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and arXiv e-prints.

National Forest Service Library

The National Forest Service Library catalog (FS INFO) is an online index of natural resources publications, including Forest Service literature. FS INFO provides citations to forestry and forestry-related natural resource literature, links to full text (pdf) are provided when available.

National Soil Database

The NSDB is a collection of geospatial datasets which contain soil, landscape, and climatic data for all of Canada. It serves as the national archive for land resources information that was collected by federal and provincial field surveys, or created by land data analysis projects.

Native Health Database

The Native Health Database contains bibliographic information and abstracts of health-related articles, reports, surveys, and other resource documents pertaining to the health and health care of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations. The database provides information for the benefit, use, and education of organizations and individuals with an interest in health-related issues, programs, and initiatives regarding North American Indigenous peoples.

NBER Working Paper Series

The National Bureau of Economic Research's (NBER) activities are mostly identified by 20 research programs on different subjects and 14 working groups.

Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni is a rich source of news, business and legal information.

NFB (National Film Board)

The NFB's online Screening Room features over 3,000 films, excerpts, trailers and interactive works (including) documentaries, animation, experimental films and fiction (with a Canadian context or perspective.)

Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue

Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue (NSTC) defines the printed record of the English-speaking world from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the end of the First World War. Indexes all printed works published in Britain, its colonies and the United States of America, all printed works in English wherever published, and all translations from English. NSTC includes well-known and obscure works of literature, important translations, legal documents, political pamphlets, medical and scientific monographs, journals, and periodicals.


Odesi is a Canadian social science data repository and online exploration and analysis tool. It contains 5,700+ datasets curated by academic libraries in Canada.

Ontario Data Catalogue

The Provincial Government’s data portal provides statistical tables and data sets from many government departments and agencies. Find public data and explore 2,924 datasets published by the Government of Ontario.

Ontario GeoHub

Find and access Ontario’s authoritative geospatial data, maps and tools.


European French-language database in the humanities and social sciences.


More than 600 million images and audio clips available for reuse under a Creative Common license

OPHEA - H&PE Curriculum Resources

To access full-text content click on "Click to Access H&PE Curriculum Resources" button (bottom right hand corner). Ophea works in partnership with school boards, public health, government, non-government organizations, and private sector organizations to develop groundbreaking programs and services that support healthy active schools and communities.

OPHEA - Safety Guidelines

To access full-text content click on "Click to Access Safety Guidelines" button (bottom right corner). The Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines, managed by Ophea, represent the minimum standards for risk management practice for school boards. They focus the attention of teachers, intramural supervisors and coaches on safe practices, in every activity, in order to minimize the element of risk.

OVID Nursing Journals

Access to 450 full text journals in nursing (including subsets of Behavioral & Social Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Health Profession, Life & Biomedical Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Humanities, Nursing, Patient Education, Pharmacology, Physical Science & Engineering, Public Health and Science).

Pascal et Francis

Free access multilingual social sciences and humanities databases. English and French searching options available.

Periodicals Archive Online

Periodicals Archive Online is a major archive that makes the backfiles of scholarly periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences available electronically, providing access to the searchable full text of hundreds of titles. The database spans more than two centuries of content, 37 key subject areas, and multiple languages.


European French-language humanities and social sciences database. Can also be accessed through Érudit (include in search parameters during search).


PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. We monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. We also host the largest open access archive in philosophy.

Population Index

The primary reference tool to the world's population literature, Population Index presents an annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other materials on population topics. The website contains 46,035 abstracts of demographic literature published in the period 1986-2000.

ProQuest Asian Business & Reference

ProQuest Asian Business and Reference offers detailed information on companies, economies, markets, and overall business conditions throughout the Eastern Hemisphere.

ProQuest Business Databases

Searches through the following databases: ABI/Inform Global, ABI/Inform Trade & Industry, and Proquest Asian Business & Reference

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

This database includes 2.7 million searchable citations to doctoral dissertation and Master's theses from around the world from 1861 to the present day together with 1.2 million full text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Full text has been added since 1997 and strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works. Those not available full-text may be ordered privately; they are not normally available through interlibrary loan.

ProQuest Platform Databases

Multidisciplinary platform containing many databases in multiple disciplines, such as the humanities, social sciences, education, arts and natural sciences.


PsycARTICLES is a database of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe & Huber. The database includes all material from the print journals.


Full-text database of book and film reviews from 1956 to 2017, when the database was discontinued. Provides insights from a psychological perspective.

Psychiatry Online Premium

The PsychiatryOnline Premium collection covers diagnosis and differential diagnosis, case vignettes to bring abstract concepts to life, multidisciplinary treatment guidelines, and the latest research. It includes access to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5).


PsycINFO is an electronic bibliographic database providing abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. The database includes material of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work. Updated weekly, PsycINFO provides access to journal articles, books, chapters, and dissertations.


Database providing citations and abstracts to the international literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events.


PubMed comprises more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982

Provides indexing of over three million articles from more than 550 leading magazines, including full coverage of the original print volumes of Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature. This important resource offers a wide range of researchers access to information about history, culture and seminal developments across nearly a century" - publisher's website.

Regional Business News

This robust resource provides ultimate coverage for full-text business publications, on a regional level, for the United States and Canadian provinces. Key resources include newspapers, radio & TV news transcripts, trade publications, magazines and newswires, with full-text content coverage spanning over 22 years.


REHABDATA, produced by the National Rehabilitation Information Center, is the leading literature database on disability and rehabilitation. The database describes over 80,000 documents covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, special education, assistive technology, law, employment, and other issues as they relate to people with disabilities. The collection spans 1956 to the present. REHABDATA results may also include abstracts from the international research collection, originally developed by CIRRIE.

RxTx (CPS / e-therapeutics)

Clinical decision support tool licensed from the CPhA (Canadian Pharmacists Association). Includes Therapeutic Choices, e-CPS (online version of the Compendium of Pharmaceuticals), Lexi-Comp's Lexi-Interact and more.

Sage Journals

More than 750 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 300 are published on behalf of learned societies and institutions.

Scholars GeoPortal

Scholars GeoPortal is your tool to access geospatial datasets licensed by your university library. The GeoPortal includes land-based vector data (water, cultural features, etc.), census geography, orthophotography, and more. The collection currently includes data from Statistics Canada (through the Data Liberation Initiative), Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (through the Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange), and DMTI Spatial Inc. Data from these providers is continually being added to the portal.

Scholars Portal

Scholars Portal is a service of the Ontario Council of University Libraries. Founded in 2002, Scholars Portal provides a shared technology infrastructure and shared collections for all 21 university libraries in the province.

Scholars Portal - Ebooks

Over 345,000 ebooks in multiple subject areas. Select Full Text Only to find only those ebooks with full text.

Scholars Portal - Ejournals

Scholars Portal is a digital repository of over 20 million scholarly articles drawn from journals covering every academic discipline.


22,000 books in English and 60,000 books in French across a wide range of subjects.


A full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from nearly 2,500 journals and 26,000 books in the fields of physical, life, health and social sciences, engineering and the humanities.


SciFinder-N (aka SciFinder) is a database specialized in chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, medicine, materials sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines.

To use SciFinder-N, you need to register an account.

SciFree Journal Search Tool

SciFree is an open access publishing journal search tool to find APC waivers and discounts to publish open access in ALL disciplines with support from the Laurentian University Library and Archives.

Slavery Abolition and Social Justice, 1490 - 2007

This resource is designed as an important portal for slavery and abolition studies, bringing together documents and collections covering an extensive time period, between 1490 and 2007, from libraries and archives across the Atlantic world. Close attention is given to the varieties of slavery, the legacy of slavery, the social-justice perspective and the continued existence of slavery today.

Social Services Abstracts

Provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. The database abstracts and indexes over 1,300+ serials publications and includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations, and citations to book reviews.

Social Work Abstracts

Offers extensive coverage of more than 900 social work and human services journals dating back to 1965. Access is limited to 4 concurrent users.

Sociology Collection

Covers the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioural sciences since 1952. Includes Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA), Sociological Abstracts (abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers and working papers), Sociology Database (including full-text content since 1985), and Social Services Abstracts.


Database of intervention studies across the scope of speech pathology practice.


Covers all subjects related to sports, including kinesiology, sport administration, sport psychology, education, coaching, nutrition, public heath, rehabilitation, and therapy. Access is limited to 4 concurrent users.

Sports Business Journal

Sports Business Journal’s weekly and daily content provides original reporting and news aggregation, plus newsletters, podcasts and video.

Springer LINK

SpringerLink currently offers 2,777 fully peer-reviewed journals and over 151,000 books online.


Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.


Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.

Statistics Canada Data

Statistics Canada's Data service provides free access to data tables, community profiles, thematic maps, and public-use microdata files (PUMFs). It replaces the CANSIM database.

Statistics Canada Data

Statistics Canada provides tables, thematic maps, public-use microdata files and many other useful resources. This webpage is updated daily.

Taylor & Francis Online

Multidisciplinary platform containing many databases in different disciplines, such as the humanities, social sciences, education, arts and natural sciences. Includes content from Routledge.

Teacher Reference Center

Provides indexing and abstracts for nearly 300 peer-reviewed journals. Topics covered include Best Practices, Curriculum Development, Literacy Standards, Pedagogical Research, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Science & Mathematics, School Administration etc.

TEL — Multidisciplinary Theses Server

The purpose of TEL (thèses-EN-ligne) is to facilitate the self archiving of thesis manuscripts, which are important documents for direct scientific communication between scientists.

Termium Plus

The data bank has nearly four million general and specialized terms and offers French/English and some Spanish/Portuguese equivalents for each. It contains abbreviations, acronyms, synonyms, geographical names, official titles of organizations, titles of legislation and programs, phraseological units and examples of usage. It also contains 14 writing and translation tools that offer advice on style and usage issues in French, English and Spanish. Each of these tools focuses on a specific type of difficulty, such as conjugations, grammar and writing standards.

The Atlas of Canada

The Atlas of Canada provides interactive and static maps of Canada, from past to present. Find, explore and download a variety of maps and discover other sources of Canadian geographic information.

The Canadian Encyclopedia (TCE)

Since its publication in book form in 1985, The Canadian Encyclopedia has provided the most comprehensive, objective and accurate source of information on Canada for students, readers and scholars across Canada and throughout the world - publisher's description. Also includes The Encyclopedia of Music in Canada.

Theses Canada

Canadian universities participate in the program voluntarily by submitting approved theses and dissertation to Theses Canada. Published by Library and Archives Canada.


Thè lists all theses defended since 2006 for French institutions who chose deposit their theses in electronic format (more than 6000 theses). Note that full-text access is not always available depending upon whether permission to post a thesis online has been granted by the doctoral author or right-holders of the thesis. In September of 2011, data from the Fichier central des thèses (containing over 66 000 thesesin progress in universities, primarily in literatuure, the social sciences and the humanities) were added to Thè

TOCS-IN (Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists)

Provides the tables of contents of a selection of Classics, Near Eastern Studies, and Religion journals. Where possible, links are given to articles for which the full text or an abstract is available online (about 15%). The project began to archive current tables of contents in 1992, and now contains circa 185 journals, and over 45,000 articles

University of Toronto Press Journals

University of Toronto Press (UTP) is the largest scholarly press in Canada and one of the most respected university presses in North America. Founded in 1901, UTP consists of a book publishing division, a journal publishing division, a book distribution service, and bookstores on the St. George, Erindale, and Scarborough campuses of the University of Toronto. We publish 170 academic books per year and 35 journals, directed at an audience of scholars, students, and libraries. UTP has a long history of distinguished service in the Canadian academic community.


UpToDate® is an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource which clinicians trust to make the right point-of-care decisions. More than 5,700 world-renowned physician authors, editors and peer reviewers use a rigorous editorial process to synthesize the most recent medical information into trusted, evidence-based recommendations that are proven to improve patient care and quality.

You must register an UpToDate account using your @laurentian email to search the database.

Usito: French language dictionary

Usito is a dictionary created in Québec for all francophones and francophiles interested in an open description of French. A project of Université de Sherbrooke.

Visible Body Suite

An interactive resource for learning anatomy, physiology, and biology. Full 3D female and male dissectible models, as well as short videos and 3D tours on normal function and common conditions.

Web of Science

A comprehensive research platform that brings together many different types of content including journal articles, patents, websites, conference proceedings, and open access material. Web of Science is located within Web of Knowledge. This resource offers access to journal articles in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Web of Science contains over 100 years of research, fully indexed and cross-searchable.

Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science

an A-Z encyclopedia providing a comprehensive, definitive, and up-to-date reference of the main areas of specialist and expert knowledge and skills used by those involved in all aspects of the forensic process. A vital reference work for all professionals working in the field, this resource provides essential information for forensic scientists, doctors, practicing and academic lawyers, paralegals, police, crime scene investigators, analytical chemists, behavioral scientists, and toxicologists.

Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library hosts a multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities with access to over 6 million articles from over 1500 journals, over 16,000 online books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases.

World Bank Open Data

Free and open access to data about development in countries around the globe, including World Development Indicators (WDI) and other datasets.


The world's largest database of library collections in North America and abroad, including Laurentian's.

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