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About the survey

The Library & Archives would like to solicit, understand, and act upon student, faculty and staff opinions of library service quality. To do this, we are running the LibQUAL+ survey, which is a large-scale, user-based assessment of library service effectiveness developed by the Association of Research Libraries. The survey instrument measures library users’ minimum, perceived, and desired levels of service quality across three dimensions: Affect of Service, Information Control, and Library as Place. 

Library & Archives would like to use the survey results to help identify best practices, analyze deficits, and effectively allocate resources. It will give library users a chance to tell us where our services need improvement so we can respond to and better manage their expectations. It will also help us develop services that meet user needs.

The survey takes about fifteen minutes to complete. 

Participation in the LibQUAL+ survey

Your participation is entirely voluntary and your responses will be confidential. If you decide to stop answering the survey at any time, none of your answers will be submitted. If you wish to participate, but prefer to skip certain questions, you may answer non-demographic questions with “N/A”. However, you must answer the demographic questions if you want your survey to be valid. Once you've clicked on the Submit Survey button, please note that there is no way to identify individual surveys, so it cannot be removed. At the end of the survey, you have the opportunity to enter your email address for a chance to win a prize in a random draw. Neither your email address nor any other personally identifiable information will be transmitted with your survey responses.

Data will be stored on a shared secure drive on Laurentian University servers and Association of Research Libraries (ARL) servers at Texas A&M University. Given the location of ARL servers, it is possible that information collected through this survey may be accessible, without your knowledge or consent, by the US government in accordance with the US Patriot Act. Network addresses are captured, but are only indirect information and are difficult to trace back to an individual. If you choose to enter your email address, it will be stored independently of your survey responses. In other words, it's not possible to link your email address to your individual responses, ensuring the anonymity of participants who wish to enter the prize draw.

The information you provide will be retained indefinitely to allow Laurentian University and ARL to reference future surveys to the 2025 data. The summary results of this survey will be incorporated into internal reports and communications and a report on the Library's website. It may also be used in articles and conference papers, and will be passed on to other institutions participating in LibQual+ 2025. The comments of anonymous participants may be included in reports, articles or communications.

If you have any questions about the survey, contact Danielle Dennie at

You may also contact an official not attached to the research team regarding possible ethical issues or complaints about the research itself: Research Ethics Officer, Laurentian University Research Office, telephone: 705-675-1151 ext. 2429 or toll free at 1-800-461-4030 or email


By clicking on "Begin Survey" I consent to participate in this survey.

Begin Survey