Data resources
Statistics Canada's Data service provides free access to data tables, community profiles, thematic maps, and public-use microdata files (PUMFs). It replaces the CANSIM database.
CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) is the Statistics Canada's computerized database of time series covering a wide variety of social and economic aspects of Canadian life.
Statistics Canada's Data service provides free access to data tables, community profiles, thematic maps, and public-use microdata files (PUMFs). It replaces the CANSIM database.
The Provincial Government’s data portal provides statistical tables and data sets from many government departments and agencies. Find public data and explore 2,924 datasets published by the Government of Ontario.
Odesi is a Canadian social science data repository and online exploration and analysis tool. It contains 5,700+ datasets curated by academic libraries in Canada.
Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, is a bilingual, multidisciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Borealis supports open discovery, management, sharing, and preservation of Canadian research data.
The Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) is a partnership between post-secondary institutions and Statistics Canada with the goal of improving access to data resources. This user-centric program builds statistical capacity and leadership through microdata access training and support for an ever-expanding research data collection.
The central objective of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) is to gather health-related data at the sub-provincial levels of geography (health region or combined health regions). CCHS microdata files are available through odesi.
Provides alternative access to Data from Statistics Canada (formerly CANSIM). Updated daily.
Find 2021 Census data
The CHASS Census Analyzer offers profile files at enumeration areas, census tracts, census divisions, census subdivisions, federal electoral districts or provincials levels, some data going back to 1961. Ideal for subsetting variables for multiple geographical units.