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Geospatial Data Resources

Recommended resource for geospatial data

Scholars GeoPortal is your tool to access geospatial datasets licensed by your university library. The GeoPortal includes land-based vector data (water, cultural features, etc.), census geography, orthophotography, and more. The collection currently includes data from Statistics Canada (through the Data Liberation Initiative), Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (through the Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange), and DMTI Spatial Inc. Data from these providers is continually being added to the portal.

Local and provincial data

GeologyOntario provides access to all Ontario Geological Survey maps, reports and digital datasets.

Find and access Ontario’s authoritative geospatial data, maps and tools.

the bibliographic database for scientific publications of the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) of Natural Resources Canada. It over 60,000 records for ESS publications, including publications of the Geological Survey of Canada and the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Canada Topographic Maps and external publications authored by ESS scientists and specialists.