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Kinesiology and Health Sciences

This guide brings together recommended resources for finding and doing research within the Kinesiology and Health Sciences programs.

Kinesiology and Health Sciences : main resources

Multidisciplinary platform containing many databases in different disciplines, such as the humanities, social sciences, education, arts and natural sciences.

Provides systematic reviews of topics; article reviews; and access to definitive controlled trials in the area of evidence based medicine. Incudes 1. EBM Reviews - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005--; 2. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - ACP Journal Club 1991- , 3. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, 4. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 4. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - Cochrane Methodology Register 5. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - Health Technology Assessment 6. Database Field Guide EBM Reviews - 7. NHS Economic Evaluation Database

ERIC provides education research literature (in the context of the North American educational system) to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. ERIC includes journal articles, conference proceedings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, and books. Coverage starts in 1966.

The latest bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,200 biomedicine and life sciences journals in nearly 40 languages. Every citation is indexed using the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) controlled vocabulary. MEDLINE is the largest subset of citations in the PubMed database. Searching MEDLINE via Ovid offers better support for complex literature reviews with the adjacency (ADJn) operator to find terms within "n" words of each other.

Multidisciplinary platform containing many databases in multiple disciplines, such as the humanities, social sciences, education, arts and natural sciences.

PubMed comprises more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

REHABDATA, produced by the National Rehabilitation Information Center, is the leading literature database on disability and rehabilitation. The database describes over 80,000 documents covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, special education, assistive technology, law, employment, and other issues as they relate to people with disabilities. The collection spans 1956 to the present. REHABDATA results may also include abstracts from the international research collection, originally developed by CIRRIE. More than 120,000 documents are abstracted in this database. NARIC adds approximately 4,000 items to REHABDATA each year, including 1,000 international research documents.

Covers all subjects related to sports, including kinesiology, sport administration, sport psychology, education, coaching, nutrition, public heath, rehabilitation, and therapy. Access is limited to 4 concurrent users.

CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) provides indexing for more than 2,980 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 2,000,000 records dating back to 1981.

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature... across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

Kinesiology and Health Sciences : additional resources

More than 4.5 million records from 1,730 titles covering current events, business, education, science, the arts, and academic information as produced in Canada. The database also includes a few Canadian legal journals that are in neither Hein Online nor Lexis-Nexis, also full-text.

The CPI provides access to articles from a comprehensive list of Canadian and international journals, magazines, selected sections of the Globe and Mail, Canadian biographies and other reference content from Gale™, all with a Canadian focus. Indexing from 1980 to present; Full-text articles from 1983 to present.

Nexis Uni is a rich source of news, business and legal information.

PsycINFO is an electronic bibliographic database providing abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. The database includes material of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work. Updated weekly, PsycINFO provides access to journal articles, books, chapters, and dissertations.

Scholars Portal is a digital repository of over 20 million scholarly articles drawn from journals covering every academic discipline.

Covers the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioural sciences since 1952. Includes Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA), Sociological Abstracts (abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers and working papers), Sociology Database (including full-text content since 1985), and Social Services Abstracts.