Canadian Labour Studies Index
Open-access index of recent publications in Canadian labour studies including books, book chapters, journal articles, reviews, commissioned reports, and theses. Indexes comprehensively the journals Labour/Le Travail, Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations and Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society. The Index is produced by Desmond Maley and Dan Scott, J.-N. Desmarais Library, Laurentian University.
Resource types
Bibliography of Canadian Geomorphology
Bibliography of Canadian Geomorphology is a searchable database dedicated to identifying publications and presentations describing the practice and application of geomorphology in Canada. Included are over 25,000 records related to the fields of aeolian, applied, coastal, fluvial, glacial, hillslope, karst, periglacial, permafrost and offshore geomorphology. The database also includes records describing Canadian Quaternary/Holocene environments and a substantial body of records related to Canadian hydrology.
Social Policy in Ontario (SPON)
Social Policy in Ontario (SPON) is a tool for public reporting about social programs in Ontario.
Resource types
Homeless Hub
A leading source of research on homelessness in Canada, with a library of more than 30,000 resources.
Resource types
Athabasca University Press
The Press' geographical focus is on Canada, the North American West, and the Circumpolar North. One of its mandates is to publish innovative and experimental works (in both fiction and non-fiction) that challenge established canons, subjects, and formats. We promote neglected forms such as diary, memoir, and oral history.
ARTFL (American Research on the Treasury of the French Language) Project
ARTFL Project is a consortium-based service that provides its members with access to North America's largest collection of digitized French resources. Along with ARTFL's flagship database ARTFL-FRANTEXT, ARTFL members are also given access to a large variety of other Subscriber Databases. ARTFL also supports many Public Access databases including the Dictionnaires d'autrefois, the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert, and the Bibliothèque Bleue de Troyes.
Resource types
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature
The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature contains 880,000 records, covering monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews and collections of essays published anywhere in the world from 1920 onwards.
ACLS Humanities Ebooks
The American Council of Learned Societies Humanities Ebook Collection is a collection of over 6,000 scholarly books, from over 125 publishers.