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To request a book for curbside pickup:

  1. From the library's website, enter your search in the Omni search bar. For example, search for All our Relations: Finding the Path Forward:

    Omni search bar

  2. Click the item on the results page:

    results page

  3. Sign in using your Laurentian ID and password (if not already signed in)

    sign in

  4. Under the Get It heading, click Request. Note: This request is for curbside pickup only.

    Request link

  5. Complete the Request form by indicating the pickup location and the date after which you no longer require the item. Then click Send Request.

    request form

  6. If the book you request is available from HathiTrust, your request will be cancelled and you will be notified on how to view the book from HathiTrust. Otherwise, once the book request is fulfilled by library staff, you will receive an email inquiring as to which day and time is convenient for you to pick up your book(s).
  7. Library staff will schedule your pickup appointment and confirm by email the day and time you are expected to arrive to pick up your book(s).