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Recommended Databases and Search Tools


Books, DVDs, etc.


The purpose of this guide is to recommend print and electronic library resources for research in Law and Justice.  Click on the links on the left for suggestions about starting your research, getting books and articles, and finding other useful tools. I am also available to assist. Please email me with your topic or to make an appointment.

Bibliothécaire spécialisé

NGerolami's picture
Nom: Natasha Gerolami, MLIS, PhD
Titre du poste: Bibliothécaire agrégée / Associate Librarian
Poste: (705) 675-1151 poste 3325
Sur place: Bibliothèque J.N. Desmarais Library 30-250

More Help

In the library: The Library User Assistance Desk to your immediate left as you enter the library is a good place to start.

By email: Email the librarian responsible for your faculty for a reply during regular working hours.

Research consultations: Book a research consultation with the librarian responsible for your faculty by Zoom or phone.

By chat: With our "Ask the Library" service. For more information, see About Ask a Librarian.

For Distance Education students: Telephone: 1-800-661-1058, ext. 2 or email: