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Faculty Consultant

This research guide has been prepared in consultation with  Dr. Chantal Barriault, Co-Director, Science Communication Graduate Program.

Science Communication Program

For information about  Laurentian's  graduate program in Science Communicaiton, please visit the  program's web site.


The purpose of this guide is to recommend print and electronic resources for conducting research in Science Communication in the Library.  Click on the tabs beside for suggestions about starting your research, getting books and articles, and finding other useful tools for research in Science Communication

Connect from Off Campus

Most of the Library's online resources are available to you from anywhere off campus.  See: LU Proxy Accounts.

Library Instruction

To learn more about the library and its resources and how you can exploit them to your advantage, register in the Research Skills Tutorial on D2L. There are several sections in the tutorial with a short quiz at the end of each; at the end you will receive a Certificate of Completion. Many professors require you to take this tutorial--and once you finish it, you can save your certificate to reprint as often as necessary.

We can hold special classes at the request of at least 5 students. If you would like to arrange a special class, or you think your course would benefit from some in-class library instruction, please ask your professor to contact the librarian responsible for your faculty to set up some sessions.

Bibliothécaire spécialisé

SRakovac's picture
Nom: Sandra Rakovac
Titre du poste: Liaison Librarian: Science, Engineering and Architecture
Poste: 5132
Sur place: JND 30-252 & SA-222