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Clavardez avec nous!

Jour Heures
Lundi - jeudi 10h - 22h
Vendredi 10h - 22h
Samedi et dimanche 12h - 18h

Clavardez avec nous!, du Conseil des bibliothèques universitaires de l'Ontario, est un service collaboratif pour l'aide à la recherche par le personnel de plusieurs bibliothèques universitaires en Ontario, l'Université Laurentienne comprise. Pour plus de renseignements, visitez Clavardez avec nous!

Zoterois a free, web-based citation manager that allows you to:

  • Directly import references from article databases, the library catalogue, e-book collections, etc.
  • Manage and organize your references and research materials (PDFs, ePubs, web page snapshots, etc)
  • Annotate research papers with highlighting, custom notes, and capture tables or figures with automatic page references
  • Create a bibliography
  • Share your references with others
  • Add in-text citation and a bibliography directly into your assignment
  • Synchronize your references and research materials across multiple computers
  • ... all with unlimited storage for users who have an or email address associated with their Zotero account

To enable Zotero's Library Lookup service to find full-text documents licensed by Laurentian University, set Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> General -> Resolver to North America -> Laurentian University

Getting started with Zotero


Titre Date de publication Résumé
Bienvenue à la Bibliothèque et aux Archives de la Laurentienne! 2024-09-03 Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir pour cette nouvelle année académique à la Bibliothèque et aux Archives. Nous espérons...
La recherche dans les archives est facilitée 2024-04-19 On se réjouit d’annoncer que les Archives de l’UL font maintenant partie de la plateforme d’archives Archeion, base de...
Statista est maintenant offert à la Bibliothèque 2024-04-05 Grâce à l’accès à la base de données Statista, les chercheurs ont maintenant accès à un grand nombre de statistiques, d’...

Direct Borrowing

Students who visit other university libraries in Canada may borrow directly from these libraries with a valid student photo ID, and may return these books at Laurentian at no charge. For further details contact:

Accessibility Services

Working in co-operation with Accessibility Services,  the J.N. Desmarais Library provides research and library services and assistive technologies to students with disabilities. For specific information,  please email Accessibility Services.

Centre for Academic Excellence

The Library is home to the University’s Centre for Academic Excellence, a hub of resources for students located on the second floor.  Its customized approach includes Academic Advantage, Learning Assistance, Degree Exploration and Career Planning, Student Engagement, and Tutor Training programs. For further information, please email

Research Help & general information

Library Hours 

Visit our Library Service Counter on the second floor for research assistance, help with library services, and for general information about the Library.  You can also call us at  extension 4800 or dial 705-675-4800.

Photo of J.N. Desmarais Library circulation desk

Research Consultations

You can make an appointment with a Librarian or the Archivist for in-depth assistance with your research. Contact the Librarian responsible for your subject area.

Assistance by email

If you need assistance, you can also email the Librarian responsible for your subject area. We try to reply to email inquiries within one business day (Monday through Friday) of receiving your question.

If your question refers to the Special Collections housed in the archives, or pertains to an archival fonds, send your question to and the archives will answer it. Depending on the complexity of your request, it may take up to a month to satisfy your query.

J.N. Desmarais Library Lockers

The lockers at the J.N. Desmarais Library are available for daily use and are located on the 3rd floor of the library. The lockers are available to all photo of library lockersLaurentian University students on a first-come, first-served basis. A valid student card must be presented in order to pick up the key at the “Library Assistance” counter.

There is no charge for locker use, but the user is responsible for any fines payable for not returning the key on time; the key is due back before the closing time of the library. A user is responsible for removing all items before returning the key.  All unclaimed items will be sent to Security.

The J.N. Desmarais Library is not responsible for any items stored in a locker. The user is responsible for his/her belongings; the use of a locker is at the user’s own risk. The J.N. Desmarais Library assumes no liability for any items stored in the lockers.