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Getting Started


Welcome to the Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Guide! Here you can find tips on how to find and use information pertaining to Chemistry and Biochemistry. Please explore the links and feel free to contact us for any additional information or help using our resources.

Cite your References!

Find information on popular reference styles through our "Citation Style Guide." Remember to use the style asked for by your professor, and to check your work.

Use Zotero to help import, manage and export bibliographic references in various styles.

Subject Librarian

SRakovac's picture
Name: Sandra Rakovac
Position Title: Liaison Librarian: Science, Engineering and Architecture
Email Address:
Extension: 5132
Office Location: JND 30-252 & SA-222

Library Instruction

Basic online library instruction is available in either official language using Laurentian's Desire2Learn platform.

For special instruction in this subject during class time, ask your professor to arrange a class by contacting Mr. Lamothe, ext. 3304.

For instruction on archival materials, ask your professor to arrange a class by contacting Ms. Marthe Brown, ext. 3339.

More Help

In the library: The Library User Assistance Desk to your immediate left as you enter the library is a good place to start.

By email: Email the librarian responsible for your faculty for a reply during regular working hours.

Research consultations: Book a research consultation with the librarian responsible for your faculty by Zoom or phone.

By chat: With our "Ask the Library" service. For more information, see About Ask a Librarian.

For Distance Education students: Telephone: 1-800-661-1058, ext. 2 or email:

Getting Articles

SciFinder account

First time users of SciFinder will need to register before being allowed access.

Subject Databases - Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • BIOSIS Citation Index ?

    Description: Provides comprehensive view of life sciences research since 1926.

  • Merck Manuals - Professional Edition ?

    Description: The Manuals are the product of a collaboration between hundreds of medical experts worldwide, an independent editorial board of peer reviewers, and our editorial staff of physicians and professional medical writers. For over 100 years, we have had complete editorial independence to present the best current thinking regarding medical diagnosis and treatment, and do not in any way promote or publicize Merck or MSD products. To ensure absence of commercial or corporate bias, authors and peer reviewers cannot be employees of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA, nor can they serve as speakers for Merck or MSD products, or in any other way represent the company. Although the editorial staff is employed by Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA, there is no control, review, or even input into the content of The Manuals allowed from any other part of our company, including research and development, sales and marketing, public relations, legal, and corporate management.

  • SciFinder-N ?

    Description: SciFinder-N is a database specialized in chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, medicine, materials sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines.

Theses and Dissertations

For additional information on advanced research as well as theses and dissertations, please consult our Research Guide for Advanced Studies.

Related Databases - Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • ASTM Standards ?

    Description: The ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Digital Library provides you instant access to the digital edition of nearly every ASTM International book and paper spanning 140+ industries and 100+ years.

  • Merck Manuals - Professional Edition ?

    Description: The Manuals are the product of a collaboration between hundreds of medical experts worldwide, an independent editorial board of peer reviewers, and our editorial staff of physicians and professional medical writers. For over 100 years, we have had complete editorial independence to present the best current thinking regarding medical diagnosis and treatment, and do not in any way promote or publicize Merck or MSD products. To ensure absence of commercial or corporate bias, authors and peer reviewers cannot be employees of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA, nor can they serve as speakers for Merck or MSD products, or in any other way represent the company. Although the editorial staff is employed by Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA, there is no control, review, or even input into the content of The Manuals allowed from any other part of our company, including research and development, sales and marketing, public relations, legal, and corporate management.

  • Web of Science ?

    Description: A comprehensive research platform that brings together many different types of content including journal articles, patents, websites, conference proceedings, and open access material. Web of Science is located within Web of Knowledge. This resource offers access to journal articles in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Web of Science contains over 100 years of research, fully indexed and cross-searchable.

  • Google Scholar ?

    Description: "Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature... across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites."

Searching for Books

Searching the Catalogue

The catalogue is your primary tool for finding books in the J.N. Desmarais Library. You can also use the catalogue to find other materials, including government publications and journals (including individual articles).

You can search the catalogue by:

  • Title
  • Author/Creator
  • Subject
  • Call Number

When you know the book you are searching for, pick Title or Author; when you are searching for a topic, start with Keyword unless you know the exact Subject heading describing your topic.

More on searching the Catalogue is available in Module 5 of the Research Skills Tutorial in D2L.

Additional Print Resources

  • McGraw Hill Dictionary of Chemistry (2nd Floor: Ref. QD 5 M357 1997)
  • Encyclopedia of Chemistry (3rd Floor: Ref. QD 5 E58 1973)
  • CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (2nd Floor: Ref. QD 65 H3 / 3rd Floor: QD 65 H3)


Shelf Searching

Laurentian uses LC Classification. Some patrons may wish to browse for books in the stacks; Chemistry and Biochemistry are classified under science (Q) and more specifically, under QD:

QD1-999 - Chemistry
QD1-65 - General
QD71-142 - Analytical chemistry
QD146-197 - Inorganic chemistry
QD241-441 - Organic chemistry
QD415-436 - Biochemistry
QD450-801 - Physical and theoretical chemistry
QD625-655 - Radiation chemistry
QD701-731 - Photochemistry
QD901-999 - Crystallography


With nearly 200 million records representing titles held by nearly 75,000 libraries you will find almost any book ever published in the English language in WorldCat.

Getting E-books


E-books are located in two different places:
  • Some may be located by using the library’s catalogue and selecting "Books & eBooks" as the "Material Type" and then further filtering your results by "Available online". 
  • E-books can also be located by searching in e-book collections. Searching in these collections is the same as searching in a database.

Recommended E-book Collections for the Sciences

  • ForensicNetBase ?

    Description: Over 700 ebooks in the forensic and criminal science

  • Books at Ovid ?

    Description: over 450 ebooks in the health sciences

  • Ebook Central ?

    Description: close to 40,000 ebooks in multiple subject areas

  • Oxford Scholarship Online ?

    Description: 22,909 ebooks in multiple subject areas as of April 2024.

  • ScienceDirect ?

    Description: A full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from nearly 2,500 journals and 26,000 books in the fields of physical, life, health and social sciences, engineering and the humanities.

  • Springer LINK ?

    Description: SpringerLink currently offers 2,777 fully peer-reviewed journals and over 151,000 books online.

  • Scholars Portal - Ebooks ?

    Description: Over 345,000 ebooks in multiple subject areas. Select Full Text Only to find only those ebooks with full text.