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Welcome to the Gerontology Research Guide!
Here you will find a variety of resources related to Gerontology.
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The academic subject specific encyclopedias listed here are excellent tools to help define terms and concepts in gerontology. They will offer you short introductions to key topics, concepts, methods and areas of study in the discipline. Entries will often include a bibliography so you can learn about key authors in the subject area and articles and books on the topic.
Encyclopedias available electronically:
Encyclopedia of Health & Aging
Encyclopedia of Aging and Public Health
The Encyclopedia of Elder Care: the Comprehensive Resource on Geriatric Health and Social Care
Encyclopedia of Death and Human Experience
Subject Librarian

Library Instruction
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Gerontology Subject Databases
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Searching the Catalogue
The catalogue is your primary tool for finding books in the J.N. Desmarais Library and other campus libraries.
You can also use the catalogue to find other materials, including government publications and journals (the journals themselves--not individual articles).
You can search the catalogue by:
- Keyword
- Title
- Author
- Subject
- Journal Title
When you know the book you are searching for, pick Title or Author; when you are searching for a topic, start with Keyword unless you know the exact Subject heading describing your topic.
More on searching the Catalogue is available in Module 5 of the Research Skills Tutorial in D2L.
Interlibrary Loan
Need a book or an article that we don't have? Interlibrary is here to help!
Materials that are not available at our University are obtained from other libraries and shipped to Laurentian.
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Online Resources
Online Associations and Resources
AMDA - Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine
Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association
CDC - Centers for Disease Control- Health Information for Older Adults
International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
National Gerontological Nursing Association
National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly