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- CODOC Call Numbers
The J.N. Desmarais Library is a full depository library for the Government of Canada. Our collection of government documents is the largest in Northern Ontario. Search the library's catalogue for documents in print or electronic format.
We have the following print collections.
- Federal Government
- Provincial Governments
- International Governments
- International Organizations
Also, please visit the Government of Canada Publications website as most documents are only available online.
City of Greater Sudbury
General Information
- Open Government - Greater Sudbury
- Pearson, David A.B. and J. Roger Pitblado. (1995). Geological and Geographic Setting. In J. M. Gunn (Ed.), Restoration and Recovery of an Industrial Region. (pp. 5-15). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.
- Greater Sudbury on Wikipedia
Municipal Elections
How Bills become law
Flowchart style diagrams of the legislative process for each type of Bill.
Other Provinces and Territories
Provincial and Territorial Governments
Provincial and Territorial Legislative Assemblies
Other Countries and International Organizations
Other Countries
United Kingdom and the Commonwealth
The Stationary Office (TSO) Parliamentary and Legal Bookshop
The Official Website of the British Monarchy
United States of America
United States Government Printing Office
International Organizations
European Union
Europa : Gateway to the European Union
Eurostat : Key to European Statistics
G8 Information Centre (University of Toronto)
G20 Information Centre (University of Toronto)
United Nations 
CODOC Call Numbers
What is CODOC?
The CODOC classification system is used to classify many of the print government publications. The call numbers are a combination of letters and numbers and are arranged on the shelves alphabetically by issuing country.
At the J.N. Desmarais Library, the Government Publications collection is located on the 3rd floor.
Publications with CODOC call numbers are listed in the Catalogue. It is important to note the EXACT call number including all spaces.
Reading CODOC Call Numbers
Spaces in CODOC call numbers are used to indicate the end of each line in the call number.
For example, CA2ON H90 99S21 will appear on the publication as shown below:
CA - identifies the country (Canada); 2 - identifies the government level within the country (provincial); ON - identifies the province (Ontario) |
H90 |
H - identifies the department (Ministry of Health); 90 - identifies the branch (Substance Abuse Bureau) |
99S21 |
99 - identifies the year of the publication (1999); S21 - unique document identifier |
*** Additional Information***
After 1999, the date field changed to 4 digits: i.e CA1 HW245 2000P23 where 2000 identifies the year of publication.
REFDOC documents are indicated by Ref.Doc. at the end of the call number.
CODOC call numbers are devised according to the following codes:
Country Code: