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Statistics for Canada

Statistics Canada - Census Data

  • Analytical reports, tools, and documentation from the 2016 Census of Population.


  • An interactive mapping application that makes it easy to find geographic areas in Canada for which census data are available, all the way down to dissemination areas.

International data and statistics


The Statistical Office of the European Communities.  The website is updated daily and provides direct access to the latest and most complete statistical information available on the European Union, the EU Member States, the euro-zone and other countries.

OECD iLibrary Statistics

Provides a single online platform where users can discover and access statistical databases from the OECD. You will be able to build tables and extract data from across databases as well as work within individual databases. Includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member economies.


A portal to United Nations databases.  Currently, there are 24 databases and 6 glossaries containing approximately 60 million data points and covering a whole range of statistics including Population, Industry, Energy, Trade and National Accounts.  Useful features like Country Profiles, Advanced Search and Glossaries are also provided to aid research.

Need further assistance?

If you have any questions or data requests, please email:

You can also consult the Data and Statistics subject guide.

Business resources

Canadian Business Patterns (ODESI download)

  • The Canadian Business Patterns contains data that reflects counts of business locations by geographic areas, including province/territory, census division, census metropolitan area and census agglomeration; and by industry using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Business performance and ownership (Statistics Canada)

  • Grouping of business and economics resources. Types of documents include: articles, publications, reference materials, external links and data.