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As a member of HathiTrust, Laurentian offers temporary online access to over 120,000 in-copyright books from our collection.

Please note:

  • If a book is temporarily available through HathiTrust, you cannot request it for curbside pickup. If you do request a book available through HathiTrust, don’t worry, we’ll let you know!
  • The check out period is one hour but automatically renews if you remain active, unless someone else is trying to access it.
  • You cannot download a book.
  • The number of copies in our print collection matches the number of copies available online. If Laurentian owns 1 print copy, only 1 user can access the book at a time.


1. Go to HathiTrust website (

HathiTrust login screen

2. Type "Laurentian University" in the "Find your partner institution box" and then click on "Continue"

Image showing patron institution choice

3. Enter your Laurentian username and password

Username and password login screen


4.  Enter your Laurentian PIN code and click on "Sign In"

Laurentian PIN code login screen


5. From the HathiTrust screen, click on "Advanced full text search"

HathiTrust screen


6. Choose the field you wish to search by, enter your search term and choose "Held by Laurentian University"

HathiTrust full text search screen

7.  From the results screen click on "Temporary Access"

HathiTrust temporary access link

8.  Click on "Check Out"

HathiTrust check out link

9.  The check out period is one hour but automatically renews if you remain active, unless someone else is trying to access it.

HathiTrust viewing screen