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Presented in the Fonds Descriptions section are some of the private archival collections and fonds of the holdings of Laurentian University Archives. These fonds and archival collections are arranged by broad subjects or major themes. Furthermore, the subject or theme does not represent an exhaustive analysis of what topic areas are in each fonds and the list does not include all fonds or archival collection of the holdings.

The groupings are in alphabetical order.

In accordance to our policy on processing of archival materials, and in compliance to the Rules for Archival Description (RAD) the archival fonds are described in the language of the producer. Occasionally the description can be in the language of the documents instead of the producer.

What is an Archive?

Recorded information, regardless of date, form or medium, that is of continuing value.


What is a fonds?

The whole of the records, regardless of date, form or medium, that are created, received, used, and automatically accumulated by an individual or corporate body in the performance of their activities or functions.


What is a collection?

An artificial accumulation of documents of any provenance brought together on the basis of some common characteristic (e.g., way of acquisition, subject, language, medium, type of document, name of collector) and treated as a descriptive unit under a common title. Collectors may be those outside the archives who assembled the material or in some cases may be an archival repository itself.

How to read the fonds-level description

Accession number P090-
Title of fonds 
(Name of producer of the records)
District Court of Manitoulin Records fonds
Dates of creation of the material 1888-1915
Length & nature of materials 1m 20cm of textual records
Presentation of the producer Administrative history: The District Court of Manitoulin located in Gore Bay, Ontario was the public administrative office where chattel mortgages and chattel mortgage renewals were filed between 1888 and 1915
Description of the material Scope and content: This fonds consists of chattel mortgages and chattel mortgage renewals filed at Manitoulin District Court from 1888 to 1915. The records provide information on what moveable property was held as collateral security.
History of the material Custodial history: The fonds was donated by Dr. W.R. Wightman from the University of Western Ontario, Department of Geography. It was received in one accrual on October 26, 1992. Dr. Wightman obtained these documents as part of a research project that is now completed.