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Quick Tips

  • Always ask your professor which citation style you should use. 
  • Keep accurate notes on each source you consult.  These notes will ensure that you have all the necessary information needed to create a complete bibliography.  Using an application such as RefWorks will facilitate this process. 
  • When citing information from the internet, be certain to jot down the exact date the item was consulted and bookmark the website.
  • When taking notes from a source, put quotation marks around anything you haven't paraphrased or summarized.  This will ensure that you don't accidentally plagiarize later on when you begin writing your assignment.  For more information, consult the guide titled “How not to plagiarize” (Source: Writing Centre - U of T)
  • Information that falls under common knowledge does not need to be cited.  An example of common knowledge would be that the earth revolves around the sun.
  • To properly paraphrase and summarize, it requires that you thoroughly understand the passage or article you’re reading.  When you don’t fully grasp the concepts presented, it’s best to try and locate another source with similar content presented and/or explained differently.  For more information concerning paraphrase and summary, please consult the guide titled “Paraphrase and summary” (Source: Writing Centre - U of T)

Managing citations with Zotero


Zoterois a free, web-based citation manager that allows you to:

  • Directly import references from article databases, the library catalogue, e-book collections, etc.
  • Manage and organize your references and research materials (PDFs, ePubs, web page snapshots, etc)
  • Annotate research papers with highlighting, custom notes, and capture tables or figures with automatic page references
  • Create a bibliography
  • Share your references with others
  • Add in-text citation and a bibliography directly into your assignment
  • Synchronize your references and research materials across multiple computers
  • ... all with unlimited storage for users who have an or email address associated with their Zotero account

To enable Zotero's Library Lookup service to find full-text documents licensed by Laurentian University, set Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> General -> Resolver to North America -> Laurentian University

Getting started with Zotero

Putting it all together