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Organization of the Library’s Collection

The Library of Congress Classification System is used to organize:

  • Periodicals (PER - 2nd floor)
  • Reference documents (REF - 2nd flood)
  • Books (3rd floor)

Documents for your discipline are generally found in the following classes:

P 40-381 : Linguistics

PC 2001-3761 : French language

PN : Literature (General)- Literary history

PQ 1-3999 : French Literature

PS 8401 - 8599 : Quebec and French-Canadian literature


With nearly 200 million records representing titles held by nearly 75,000 libraries you will find almost any book ever published in the English language in WorldCat.

The Catalogue

The catalogue is your primary tool for finding:

  • Books (in print and online)
  • Official publications
  • Reference works (dictionaries, encyclopedias)
  • Titles of journals (and not titles of articles from those journals)
  • Documents from the Archives
  • Videos (DVD’s and online)
  • Documents on microfilm

present in our print and online collections (from the J.N. Desmarais Library., but also from other campus libraries and resources centres).

The interface of the catalogue is available in French and in English.

The French titles are indexed in French and the English titles are indexed in English. Bilingual documents are indexed in both languages.

Under the advanced search tab, it is possible to add language filters, which will only retrieve documents in the language selected.

More on searching the Catalogue is available in Module 5 of the Research Skills Tutorial on D2L.

E-book Collections

Not all e-books are indicated in the catalogue. You can equally find them through our Electronic Book Collections.

The following collections contain e-books relevant to linguistics and literature:

See also :