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Recommended Databases and Search Tools
Reference Works - Europe and the World
- Dictionary of the Middle Ages. 1982. Print.
- Encyclopedia of African History. 2005. Online.
- Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800-1914. 2008. Print.
- Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment. 2003. Online.
- Encyclopedia of European Social History from 1350-2000. 2001. Print.
- Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. 2002. Online.
- Medieval Germany. 1992. Online.
- Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia. 2005. Online.
- Modern China: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Nationalism. 1998. Online/Print.
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 2004. Print.
- Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance. 2003. Online.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World: 1750 to the Present. Online.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation. Online.
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History. Online.
- The Routledge Dictionary of Modern British History. Online.
- Women in World History: A Biographical Enyclopedia. Online & Print.
The purpose of this guide is to recommend print and electronic resources for research in History at the J.N. Desmarais Library. I also am available to assist in your research throughout the academic year. If you would like to arrange for an individual research consultation, please e-mail me with a requested date and time, and a description of your topic.
History: A Very Short Introduction. Online. 2000
The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past. Print & online. 2002.
What is History? 40th anniversary edition. Print. 2001.
Reference works - North America
- The Canadian Encyclopedia. Online.
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Online.
- Encyclopedia of American Indian History. Print.
- Encyclopedia of American Urban History. Online.
- Encyclopedia of Canada's Peoples. Print.
- Encyclopedia of US Labor and Working-Class History. Print.
- Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Print.
- Oxford Companion to American History. Print.
- Oxford Companion to Canadian History. Print.
- Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History. Online.
- Virtual Museum of New France. Online
- Witch Hunts in Europe and America: An Encyclopedia. Print.
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