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Tracking Your Requests

Login to RACER, and click 'My Requests'. A list of all of your requests will appear. Please note the “Status” of your request.

If you would like to inquire about a specific request, email and provide the ILL Number.

If an item is no longer listed, check your email for notification about your request.

My Requests

Status Messages

he Status of a request defines its current position in the request lifecycle.

Cancel Pending - We are in the process of canceling your request.

Checked In - The lending library has the item back in their possession.

Conditional - A lending library has indicated they will supply your item as soon as some conditions are met

Idle - We will process your request shortly

New - A recently submitted request.

Not Supplied - Local library staff are searching other libraries for your item and may contact you if needed.

Pending – Your request has been sent to a lending library but have not yet been shipped or rejected.

Recalled – Requests on loan to your library which have been recalled by the lending library - these should be returned as soon as possible.

Received – Your item has arrived at the J.N. Desmarais Library and will be available shortly. Check your email for further details.

Returned – Requests which are being sent back to the lending library.

Shipped – The lending library has sent a notification that the item has been shipped.

Cancelling a Request

To cancel a request, login to RACER and click “My Requests”. Click the button "Cancel"Cancel located next to each request you no longer require. If you prefer, you can email racer@laurentian the ILL numbers you wish to cancel.