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LU Proxy Server
Laurentian students, staff, and faculty can access all of Laurentian's electronic resources (journals, e-books, databases, statistical information & more) from off-campus through Laurentian University's proxy server.
What is a proxy server?
A proxy server is a service that routes your traffic through a campus network connection. Electronic resource providers recognize you as a member of the Laurentian community and provide access to resources licensed by the Library and Archives.
How do I access a resource through the proxy server?
Links from Omni and the Library & Archives web site automatically route requests through the proxy server, if necessary.
Who can use the proxy server to access electronic resources from off-campus?
The proxy server is available to Laurentian students, staff, and faculty.
I can't log into the proxy server. Who should I contact?
Please contact IT Services for authentication help.
I'm having trouble accessing an electronic resource. Who should I contact?
Please report the problem to the library, including a description of what you were trying to access, the address of the page, and a screenshot.