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Cambridge dictionary of sociology. 2006. Print.
Dictionary of sociology. 4th edition. 2014. Print.
Penguin dictionary of sociology. 2006. 5th edition. Print.
Sage dictionary of sociology. 2006. Online.
Sage glossary of the social and behavioral sciences. 2009. Online.
Encyclopedia of media violence. 2013. Online.
Encyclopedia of social theory. 2012. Online.
Palgrave encyclopedia of the possible. 2023. Online.
Sociology of work: an encylcopedia. 2013. Online.
Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice. 2013. Online.
Encyclopedia of criminological theory. 2010. Online.
Encyclopedia of race and crime. 2012. Online.
Encyclopedia of transnational crime and justice. 2012. Online.
Social history of crime and punishment in American: an encyclopedia. 2012. Online.
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The Master's theses written by graduates of the Master of Arts in Sociology program are available to download from Laurentian's institutional repository, LU|Zone|UL.