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Harvard Dictionary of Music. 2003. Print. Excellent resource for definitions of musical terms.

Oxford Music Online. Choose Oxford Dictionary of Music or Oxford Companion to Music for capsule definitions of terms, genres and composer biographies.


Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. 2nd ed. 1992. Online/Print.

Encyclopedia of Popular Music. 1998. Print. Useful for its performer biographies and recordings.

Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Print. With an accompanying set of CDs.

Oxford Music Online. Grove Music Online is the most important resource for music.

New Grove Dictionary of Music. 2001. Print.

Oxford Companion to Music. Brief descriptions of terms, genres, and composer biographies.


Oxford History of Western Music. 2005. Print. Outstanding survey authored by historian Richard Taruskin.

New Oxford History of Music. 1955-90. Print. Authoritative survey.