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Welcome to the Behavioural Neuroscience Research Guide! Here you can find tips on how to find and use information pertaining to Behavioural Neuroscience. Please explore the links and feel free to contact us for any additional information or help using our resources.

Cite your References!

Find information on popular reference styles through our "Citation Style Guide." Remember to use the style asked for by your professor, and to check your work.
Use Zotero to help import, manage and export bibliographic references in various styles.

Subject Librarian

SRakovac's picture
Name: Sandra Rakovac
Position Title: Liaison Librarian: Science, Engineering and Architecture
Email Address:
Extension: 5132
Office Location: JND 30-252 & SA-222

Library Instruction

To learn more about the library and its resources and how you can exploit them to your advantage, register in the Research Skills Tutorial on D2L. There are several sections in the tutorial with a short quiz at the end of each; at the end you will receive a Certificate of Completion. Many professors require you to take this tutorial--and once you finish it, you can save your certificate to reprint as often as necessary.

We can hold special classes at the request of at least 5 students. If you would like to arrange a special class, or you think your course would benefit from some in-class library instruction, please ask your professor to contact the librarian responsible for your faculty to set up some sessions.